Eating Beef and Rice Not Healthy

Meat is animal flesh that is included in some people's diets. Packed with protein, flavor, and other nutrients, meats are featured in many meals. One of the most popular and beloved meats is beef. Whether packed in a juicy hamburger or served as a whole steak, beef is versatile and delicious. The problem is that beef has some health disadvantages.

7 Reasons To Stop Eating Beef Immediately

Research suggests beef's benefits do not outweigh its disadvantages. Since beef can easily be replaced by other, healthier meats, it is recommended that people find alternatives and avoid beef as much as possible for their health's sake. 7 reasons why you should stop eating beef include:

1. Beef is Fatty

Although each cut of meat is unique, beef cuts tend to be fattier than other kinds of meat, like fish or poultry. Cuts range from being slightly fatty to very fatty. The leanest cut of beef is generally sirloin tip side steak. Prime rib and rib eye cuts of steak tend to be the fattiest, about 10-15 grams of fat on average.

The fattiness of each piece of red meat that a person consumes also depends on how it was prepared. A rib eye cut that is grilled, for instance, loses some of its fattiness. If the same cut is cooked in a slow cooker, however, much of the fat will remain for consumption.

2. Beef Affects Cholesterol Levels

Beef Affects Cholesterol Levels

Beef is very high in cholesterol, and red meat is known for raising levels. High cholesterol levels are dangerous as over time they can harden and narrow the arteries. People with high cholesterol levels are at greater risk for developing problems like stroke or heart attacks.

3. Beef Can Shorter Your Lifespan

It should be specified that most studies of the effects of beef on the body indicate that unprocessed and processed meats are not strongly associated with the risk of developing disease or shortening the lifespan. Processed red meat is often associated with such risks, though. Beef that has been processed particularly increases a person's risk of experiencing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and related causes of death. The risk percent for death can actually increase by 13 percent.

Eating processed beef can also raise the risk of developing colorectal cancer. Studies have shown that the increased risk is consistent over different individuals. This may be due to the carcinogens in beef when it is cooked or the Heme iron in the meat that can be damaging to cells. Other types of cancer associated with processed beef consumption include pancreatic and stomach cancer.

4. Beef Affects the Blood

Largely because of the high amount of saturated fat in many cuts of beef, eating red meat can be bad for the blood. Saturated fat contributes to clogged arteries and even the narrowing of blood vessels.

Symptom Diabetes

People who eat a significant amount of fatty cuts of red meat are also at higher risk of getting diabetes, which can lead to complications like blood flow issues in the extremities and major organs. On top of affecting blood sugar and vessels, red beef can contribute to raising the blood pressure as well.

5. Beef Can Be Risky To Consume

Perhaps one of the most powerful reasons for avoiding the consumption of processed red meat is that it can be harmful as a food. Besides contributing to a number of diseases and risk factors, the meat itself is easily and commonly mishandled, resulting in a number of tragic consequences.


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

Processed beef can be risky when the cows it comes from are treated with hormones or consume vegetation that is affected by pollution.

During the process of harvesting and manufacturing the meat, cross-contamination and exposure to unsanitary surfaces and bacteria can easily occur. While being prepared for consumption, beef can also harbor dangerous diseases like E. coli.

Although there are measures in place (and continually being added) to help make the production of beef safer, it is no surprise that beef recalls are relatively commonplace. Certain cuts of meat are more dangerous than others, as is the case with ground beef because it is handled extensively for processing.

6. Beef Can Be Overloaded With Hormones

Beef Overloaded With Hormones

In some regions of the world, beef is actually banned. Cattle raised in the United States (and other regions and countries as well) are frequently treated with synthetic hormones. There are many potential dangers as these hormones are then consumed by those eating beef from treated cows. Some have suggested, for instance, that the hormones consumed by people through beef can affect fertility as well as the risk of cancer.

7. Beef Can Increase Your Risk of Memory Problems

The excess levels of iron in red meat can affect the brain. High levels of iron are associated in particular with the development of Alzheimer's disease. Excess iron is known for stripping nerve pathways down, resulting in diminished brain function.

In Conclusion

Avoiding beef completely is not necessary. Beef does, after all, offer many benefits. It is actually highly nutritious. However, beef does have some risks. When people choose to partake in the consumption of beef, they should do so wisely and with caution.

For instance, red meat should be eaten in moderation. Certain cuts are safer choices than others. For instance, people should seek to consume leaner beef, like flank steak. It is also best for the meat to be unprocessed as much as possible. The less processed the beef is, the safer it is to consume.

When people choose to eat red beef, regardless of the cut, it should be cooked to remove fat. Avoid adding butter or other fattening foods to the meal. Pair beef with foods that aid digestion and cleanse the body of fat, like certain types of tea. Through such wise and sparing consumption, people can enjoy beef occasionally and otherwise avoid it successfully.


Bethany McIlrath, B.A

Bethany McIlrath is a freelance writer who loves sharing tips with her readers to help them to live healthier, fuller lives.

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